Friday, June 24, 2005

Dems Cry Foul After Rove Doesn't Slam Troops

Washington--The war of the words is at conflagratory levels these days, with recent fanning being carried out by GOP Strategist, Karl Rove.

Rove's recent comments, in which he said that liberals sought "therapy and understanding" in the wake of the attacks on September 11th, 2001, is being touted as "the most" incendiary of comments yet delivered in the rapier-thrust arena of politics--primarily in how Democrats charge that Rove "deliberately and maliciously" plotted to not slam American fighting forces.

"This is of course, an outrage," said Senator Ted Kennedy. "To even premeditate such an omission is unconscionable. Where's the outrage now?"

Illinois Senator, Dick Durbin said he "knows first hand" how to go about dispensing incendiary remarks, and that Rove's non-comparing of the troops to Nazis was "part and parcel of the nefarious GOP strategy to unite Americans behind America."

DNC Chairman Howard Dean also held a small protest by flying a small 4-cycle ultra-light aircraft into inflatable towers.

"I'm going to show Mr. Rove that Rush Limbaugh doesn't run this country," he said, “Because I hate Rush Limbaugh and everything he stands for.”

Liberal groups reacted to Rove’s non-troop slamming with lightning speed—by placing “we support our troops” jock straps up for sale, on a hastily-designed website.

“We are disgusted with the GOP” said one activist. “Until this president works in a militaristic simile between the 82nd Airborne and Rommel’s Foxes, we’re not going to go away. The least he can do is say the American military is building marketable concentration-camping skills for civilian life. But will he do it? We don’t think so.”

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