Thursday, June 23, 2005

Bush May Have Used Childhood Sandbox Time To Plan Iraq War

London--A British reporter who obtained, and destroyed the infamous "Downing Street memos" now says he has it on "good authority" that Baby Bush may have had designs on Iraq, even during his toddler years.

"Childhood friends have told me that he had it all laid out," said London Times writer, Michael Smith. "Axis powers, allies, and a big, sandy X-mark that said "Nebuchadnezzar's Bunker."

Smith said that the "empirical, second-hand evidence, like this" proves that Bush was "literally born with a middle-eastern invasionary proclivity."

Many analysts believe that Smith's recollective memo's--copies from originals, which no longer exist, are the "smoking imagi-gun" that could bring down his presidency.

"These previously-existent documents are hard evidence of document destruction," noted one historian. "Now it's Bush's turn to give an explanation of what may have been on them."

"I'll bet Dan rather's kicking himself for not copying and destroying those National Guard memos," said Smith.

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