Saturday, November 19, 2005

Dems Call For Drastic Increase In Slammable Troops

Washington--Stung by what they call a "stunt"in the US House of Representatives, key democrats are now calling for a "dramatic increase" in the number of slammable troops deployed to the middle east in the war on terror.

"We are not going to just passively accept this legislative routing," said one key democrat. "If we're going ultimately demand that America cut and run, then we want to make sure such egress is supported and fortified with as many of our fighting forces as possible."

The House voted 403-3 yesterday, against a non-binding resolution that called for the immediate removal of troops from Iraq. Many in democratic circles claim the vote's stringent language "forced them to reiterate their previous support for the war," and were outraged.

"That is why I am calling for our boots on the ground to be tripled," said rep. John Murtha (D, Penn.), "We can, and we will, show the world that we have the ability to surrender on two major fronts when we need to.

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